Thursday 28 March 2013

Circuit and Program change!

OMG! I am surprised I am not in complete agony today!

I went to the gym last night for my re-assessment. I got there early and did my warm up and cross trainer. I went downstairs to find "Dan the Man", he is a very hard task master! He was in the middle of doing a circuit with another two ladies, who very kindly let me join in! Oh and one of the other trainers at the gym joined in too! 
Nicknames for them both Dan the Man and the Trainer that Can! AKA Bradley!

  • I started off doing 30 seconds of Sumo squats with the kettlebell.
  • Then on to the step. Stepping up and off as fast as possible.
  • TRX 45° row
  • Bunny hops over a bench
  • Deep lunges with a ball lift
  • Kettlebell lunge rows.
We were all hot and sweaty after that.

Then Dan told us to clear a space... We did fast squats (not coming up completely) for 30 seconds, single leg lunges, 30 seconds each leg, then 45 seconds of jumping squats... We ALL fell on the floor after that!!
This is the place where the crazy loon Dan kills us all! We are just as crazy though, we LOVE IT!

My program has also changed (sort of)

So, I will carry on with with the 10 minute bike warm up, then do the cross trainer for 6 minutes. Then, instead of doing weights first and then on to TRX. I will be alternating them. So will be something like this:

30kg Barbell squats
TRX chest press

30kg dead-lift
TRX 45° row

30kg straight leg dead-lift
TRX crunches

I will then do some ab work and mix it up each time I go.

Monday- New program
Tuesday- At home ab workout with dumbbells
Wednesday- Circuit
Thursday- At home ab workout with dumbbells
Fridays- New program
Saturday- Rest day
Sunday- Rest day

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Quick Update

I am now in to my 2nd week and have managed to add in a Friday at the gym, so will definitely be doing 3 days a week!

I will even be going at 6.30am on Good Friday AND Easter Monday! How is that for dedication?

I have also bought myself some rather fetching workout gloves...
...As you can see I am yet to wear them, but I definitely need them as I am starting to get callouses on my hands already!

The first two times I did my new program I ached! And when I say I ached, I mean.. I ACHED!!! But after Fridays workout I felt OK. Then on Monday I came out in a stinking cold, and still managed to go, but again, felt OK today. I can definitely "feel it" when I am working out and immediately afterwards, but at least I am no longer dieing for the whole of the next day.

Here is a photo I took today, I have not actually lost any weight, but I do feel slightly smaller already... perhaps it is just me and in my head but anyway, here it is. I will let you decide if you think it is smaller than my previous one. (4x sessions of my new program)
I am having a re-assessment tomorrow night with one of the personal trainers, so hopefully I might be given a few tweaks or additions to my program. If so I will update them.

If I do not update before, then have a lovely Easter weekend!!!

Tuesday 19 March 2013

The start!

So, where to begin?

Well as you already know, I am Mrs Reed and if you hadn't guessed, I am married to Mr Reed! We have two children Master CM Reed and Master CT Reed, both boys and both very much live wires!

I have recently started going to the gym and trying to live a healthier lifestyle. Most recently I started lifting weights. I loved it! I have been logging my calories for a while to try and lose some weight. In July 2012 I was 143lb (10st 3lbs) standing at a measly 5ft2" (just) and I looked really dumpy. I started by cutting down my portion sizes, then lost interest in logging, however, my portion sizes remained small.

In January 2013, just after the New Year, I stepped back on the scales. To my surprise I was 133lbs (9st 5lbs) I had managed to lose 10lbs in 5 months without really really trying. That gave me the kick up the rear I needed.

I went back to logging my calories and with my new found motivation, joined the gym! In about 2 months I dropped another 11lbs making me 122lbs (8st 10lbs) and back into my size 10's. However, all is not good. I have lost the weight through, healthy eating and exercise, mainly Cardio, but I now I am WOBBLY!!!

So, although I might look OK when I am dressed, undressed, well that is a different story. After having two children my stomach has an uncanny resemblance to jelly! If I tense really hard I can feel I am beginning to build muscle, it is just covered with a layer of horrific "wibbly wobbly-ness" and yes, that is the medical term for it, well a Mrs Reed's, medical term!

After much research and talking with various fitness buffs I have been advised to "lift weights" Are you kidding me? Lift weights? Like a man? surely not!!! I am ashamed to admit it, I thought if I lifted  weights I would look like Arnie! But after much more research and seeing some amazing results I have decided to give it a go. Plus I hate doing Cardio workouts so maybe this lifting lark will be for me!

So here starts my journey to get my pre-baby abs back!

As you can see, these are picture taken in January at 133lbs and in March at 122lbs. I started my program of lifts last night, Monday 18th March! (today I ache)

My new program is as follows:

Warm up - Bike 10 minutes

Weights - (Barbell @ 20kg plus 5kg either side, total 30kg)
BB squats 4 sets, 6 reps
Deadlift 4 sets, 6 reps
Stiff leg Deadlift  4 sets, 6 reps

Chest press 3 sets 10 reps
45° row 3 sets 10 reps
Jackknife 3 sets 10 reps
Mountain climbers 3 sets 10 reps
Jackknife twists 3 set 10 reps

Elliptical cross trainer 8 minutes (1 minute level 5, 30 seconds level 10)
Treadmill 10 minutes

My weekly workout schedule will be:

Monday - Gym
Tuesday - Rest day
Wednesday - Gym
Thursday - Rest day
Friday - At home workout
Saturday - At home workout or Gym
Sunday - Rest day

Oh I forgot to mention, I am going on my first abroad holiday for 14 years in just 89 days... and counting! So let's see how I do over the next 12 weeks!

Starting measurements:
Arms 10.5" (27cm)
Bust 35" (89cm)
Waist 28" (71cm)
Hips 36" (92cm)
Thigh 21" (53.5cm)

Next measurement update 4 weeks: Tuesday 16th April